Today we’ll be studying 1 Nephi 6.
This chapter is comparatively short; only six verses long. As a result, my entry, today, isn’t likely to be particularly long, either. Let’s hope.
Anyway, Nephi starts off by saying he’s not going to give his family genealogy in this part of his record. That’s significant in that one’s family line is pretty important in the life of a Hebrew. He notes that the genealogy is given in his father’s record, so he feels no real need to include it. What’s more, I feel very strongly that, had the Lord felt that the genealogy was that important, he’d have inspired Nephi to include it in his own record as well as referring us to the record of Lehi. Anyway, it’s enough for Nephi to say that they’re descendants of Joseph.
Nephi also points out that he’s not interested in giving a full account of his father’s story. There won’t be enough room, he says, because he wants the room for the things of the God. This is also understandable, however, it also means that we know virtually nothing about Lehi beyond his first vision in the first year of the reign of Zedekiah way back in 1 Nephi 1. However, that also points to Nephi’s priorities with this record. He’s not so much interested in recounting his father’s history so much as making us aware of the “things of God” he’s been inspired to write.
Finally, Nephi tells us he’s not interested in sharing the “things of the world” in his record. So, no long involved histories and no tutorials about building bows or ships or anything like that. The purpose of Nephi’s record is to share those things that the Lord tells him to write; things “not of the world.” So Nephi tells us he’s going to require his descendants only to write stuff on these plates that are worthwhile for people.
Applying the Scriptures to My Own Life
What I learned from this chapter was the definition of in the world but not of the world. The Lord knows where my attention should be focused much better than I do. If I rely on Him exclusively for guidance and direction, I can almost guarantee that I’ll learn and grow in the ways that I need to. In short, let’s not concern ourselves with what the world thinks is important. Let’s turn to the Lord and get His to-do list.
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